The Quantum Energy Team

Leaders, PhD and post-docs and alumnis

Alexia Auffèves and Rob Whitney lead the Quantum Energy Team, a non-local theoretical research group based at MajuLab (Singapore) and LPMMC (Grenoble, France). Our areas of expertise are quantum thermodynamics, quantum optics, quantum transport, quantum foundations and quantum technologies. In close collaboration with top level experimental groups worldwide, we explore the laws governing the flows of energy, entropy and information in the quantum realm for fundamental purposes and practical applications.

(Portraits Alexia Auffeves Jul2019) Alexia Auffeves (8)

:: Alexia Auffèves

Alexia is a research director at CNRS and heads the International Research Lab MajuLab in Singapore. After an experimental PhD under the supervision of Serge Haroche, she takes a position at CNRS in 2005 where she develops a research line devoted to the theory of quantum optics and quantum thermodynamics, in strong interaction with experimentalists. She promotes the physics-philosophy interface within the Grenoble quantum ecosystem, that she coordinates and leads between 2017 and 2022. In 2022, she launches the Quantum Energy Initiative (QEI), an interdisciplinary and international community to understand the energetic footprint of quantum technologies, along with Robert Whitney, Olivier Ezratty and Janine Splettstoesser.

Research topics: Quantum optics, Quantum technologies, Quantum information, Quantum thermodynamics, Quantum foundations.

Link toward the updated group webpage

Most recent publications:

Rob Whitney

Robert S Whitney

Rob is a Researcher at the Laboratoire de Physique et Modélisation des Milieux Condensés (LPMMC) of the Université Grenoble Alpes and CNRS.

He is a physicist specializing in dissipation in quantum physics, and quantum thermodynamic questions involving nanoscale electronic circuits. He has been working on quantum computing energetics since 2019.

Research topics: Dissipation and irreversibility in quantum systems, Quantum thermodynamics, Quantum computing, Thermoelectricity in nanostructures.

Rob is a co-Founder of the Quantum Energy initiative, an international and interdisciplinary community to understand the physical resource cost of emerging quantum technologies, launched in August 2022.

Most recent publications:


Konstantina Koteva

Konstantina Koteva

Post-Doc (2019 - Present)


Elisa Bossard

Elisa Bossard

PhD (2022-2025)

Samyak Prasad

Samyak Prasad

PhD (2021-2024)


Léa Bresque

Léa Bresque

PhD (2019-2022)

Patrice Camati

Patrice Camati

Post-Doc (2019-2023)

Jing Hao Chai

Jing Hao Chai

Post-Doc (2019-2020)

Maria Maffei

Maria Maffei

Post-Doc (2019 - 2023)

Nicolò Piccione

Nicolò Piccione

Post-Doc (2019-2023)

Irénée Frérot

Irénée Frérot

Post-Doc (2019 - 2023)

Marco Fellous-Asiani

Marco Fellous-Asiani

PhD (2018 -2021)

Juliette Monsel

Juliette Monsel

PhD (2016-2019)

Cyril Elouard

Cyril Elouard

PhD (2014- 2017)

Bruno Goes

Bruno Goes

PhD (2020-2023)

Lorenzo Buffoni

Lorenzo Buffoni

Post-Doc (2022 - 2023)

Bogdan Reznychenko

Bogdan Reznychenko

PhD (2015-2018)

Thomas Grange

Thomas Grange

Post-Doc (2013-2017)

David Herrera-Martí

David Herrera-Martí

Post-Doc (2015-2016)

Etienne Jussiau

Etienne Jussiau

PhD (2016 - 2019)



Daniel Valente

Daniel Valente

PhD (2009-2012)

Gaston Hornecker

Gaston Hornecker

PhD (2012-2015)

Stefano Portolan

Stefano Portolan

Post-Doc (2009-2012)


Giovanni Vacanti

Giovanni Vacanti

Post-Doc (2015-2016)