
Quantum Energy Team research collaborations throughout the world

Here are the various projects, researchers and teams collaborating with the |QET> team around the world.

ANR Qu-DICE “Quantum thermoDynamics in Cavity quantum Electrodynamics” (2019-2022). The project aims to investigate theoretically and experimentally the fluxes of quantum information, energy and entropy in platforms having reached exquisite levels of quantum control, namely Rydberg atoms strongly coupled to high finesse cavities (Group of Igor Dotsenko at LKB-Collège de France), and semi-conducting quantum dots coupled to solid-state micro-cavities (Group of Pascale Senellart at C2N).

FQXI project NanoQIT “Nanomechanics in the solid-state for quantum information thermodynamics (2020-2023). Project lead by Dr. Natalia Ares from Oxford University, in collaboration with Juan Parrondo from the University of Madrid and Janet Anders from Exeter University.

FQXI project “Information as fuel in colloids and superconducting quantum circuits” (2020-2023). Project lead by Prof. Benjamin Huard from ENS Lyon, in collaboration with Sergio Ciliberto from ENS Lyon and Massimiliano Esposito from the University of Luxembourg.

Templeton World Charity Foundation Large Grant “Thermodynamics of quantum measurement: Engines, Information and Entropy” (2020-2023). Project lead by Prof. Andrew Jordan from Rochester University, USA, in collaboration with Dr. Kater Murch from Saint Louis University, USA.

ANR-NRF project “QuRes” (2022-2025) with Dr. Hui Khoon Ng from CQT in Singapore. The project aims to investigates the physical resource cost of fault tolerant quantum computing, fundamental and full stack levels, with special focus on surface code.


European Flagship project “QLSI” (2021-2024) with Dr. Tristan Meunier from CNRS Institut Néel and Maud Vinet from CEA-Leti. We are in charge of the estimation of the energetic cost of silicon qubits quantum computing.


Integrated Training Network QUDOT-Tech (2021-2024) with Pascale Senellart and Loic Lanco from C2N, in charge of the modeling of spin photon interfaces with doped quantum dots.

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