QEI presentation at EDF-Teratec Hybrid Quantum Computing conference

CQT Colloquium by Alexia Auffèves, Institut Neel - CNRS

Alexia Auffèves together with Olivier Ezratty (quantum technology consultant, author and cofounder of the Quantum Energy Initiative) and Théau Peronnin (CEO of Alice&Bob) had the opportunity to make a one hour keynote presentation of the Quantum Energy Initiative wherabouts at the EDF-Teratec conference organized in Palaiseau, France, on January 11th, 2023.

The presentation was organized in three parts: a presentation of the Quantum Energy Initiative and the Metric-Noise-Resources methodology created by the |QET> team, a discussion on the energetics of fault-tolerant superconducting qubits quantum computers in general and with the example of cat-qubits (from Alice&Bob) and at last, some insights on the potential energetic advantage of NISQ quantum computers, particularly with the analog computing paradigm.

Speakers at this one day conference were, among others, from Atos, IBM, Microsoft, Amazon, Quandela, Nvidia and the Los Alamos National Laboratory.

Here are the presentations and videos of this conference. The slides of the presentation are also here.